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It must be said that this beautiful photograph is of no one that I know. However, this site needs a symbolic picture of a woman that we might associate with Mary Ramsey Fulkerson, a principal character in our Oregon Trail story.
I have been a family genealogist for forty years. In the last five years, I have concentrated my research on my Fulkerson family line particularly as it relates to my great, great, great, grandparents, James Monroe Fulkerson and his wife, Mary Ramsey Miller. The story of their family traveling on the Oregon Trail in 1847 especially appealed to me.
1. James Monroe Fulkerson 3. Devils Gate 5- Frederick Fulkerson grave 7- Sweetwater River
2. William Holt Fulkerson 4. North Platte River, Wyoming 6- Rattlesnake Pass 8- Names Hill
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